Mobile Strategies Best Practices

Tony Medrano, President & Megan Vizzini, VP of Sales, Boopsie

People Spend Most Time on Mobile Devices: 2010, 1/2 hr/day, 2015, 2.8 hrs/day

90% of users’ mobile device time spent “in apps”: native apps vs mobile websites.

  • Using whatever works better on the situation at hand.
  • Apps can be configured to meet needs; website harder.
  • Apps are targeted toward specific purpose (quick)

Are apps a trend, monthly usage? — large growth Continue reading “Mobile Strategies Best Practices”

Writing for the Web

David Lee King, Digital Services Director, Topeka & Shawnee Co PL (TSCPL), davidleeking

Not just writing — visual web; content: images, video & words; you’re paid to write, if it’s part of your job. Responsibility.

“so let’s improve our words.”

The Problems

  1. We’re not writers, like journalists are. (not market-driven writers. Librarians like explaining, details, numbered lists. Trained to write more formally, academic writing style. Narrative format.
  2. 8 seconds to grab a reader’s attention (2013 attention span study)

Continue reading “Writing for the Web”

Inspiration Architecture: The future of libraries

Peter Morville, @morville, Slides — including book titles (I want to build a book list of all of his recommendations!)

Books: Info Architecture; Ambient Finadability; Search Patterns; Intertwingled (everything is connected; from code to culture)

Intertwingled has five chapters: Nature; Categories; Connections; Culture; Limits

Peter worked on an evaluation of Library of Congress’ web presence. Very complex. Report written up; brutally honest. Compared to Winchester Mystery House: Fragmentation & Findability; report embargoed. Too sensitive.  Trickled up gradually to ex committee & brought back in, and changes made in the web presence. Didn’t go as far as he wanted to. Continue reading “Inspiration Architecture: The future of libraries”

Libraries and the New Education Ecosystem

Lee Rainie, Director, Internet, Science, Technology Research, Pew Research Center
@lrainie @pewinternet @pewresearch

“any day spent with librarians is a better day”

FactTank, News in the Numbers

Pew doesn’t take positions on what it researches. Enthusiastic about the audience, not here to prove a point.

What we know: our previous findings, Continue reading “Libraries and the New Education Ecosystem”