NEKLS Tech Day 2013: Innovation Presentation

Resources from a presentation on innovation at NEKLS 2013 Tech day:

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NEKLS Tech Day 2013: Innovative Programming Discussion

Resources from a presentation/discussion on innovative programming ideas:

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CiL presentations on Innovation and Open Education Resources

On Tuesday, I presented without slides during a sunrise session on innovation with Jill Hurst-Wahl and James King. Purposefully presenting without slides for the first time in probably 15 years (dating back to high school, yes),  I very briefly spoke about Kansas libraries and the continued innovation that goes on there, because (at least from my perspective) the Kansas library community is open to sharing, collaborating, and working together on initiatives, because many libraries have limited staff, time, financial resources, and collections. This has allowed for a lot of innovation to happen in consortias, open source software deployment, statewide platforms, and ebooks.

At the end of that same day, I presented on Open Educational Resources for the School Librarian as part of the school libraries track. The slides are embedded below. All presentation resources are available here. Gary Price also presented in the session on the same topic, focusing on open web resources and their untapped wealth of potential for educational use. All of his great resources are available on his presentation website. There is huge potential for open education resources to be used at all levels of education (K12; College; Self-Education).

Creating a Culture of Innovation presentation (SMSD School Librarians)

Here are my slides and other related info for an inservice presentation given to Shawnee Mission School Librarians.

Creating a Culture of Innovation presentation (NEST 2012)


The reading list document.

Download the slides (PDF).