iPad eBooks and eBook apps for Kids

A friend of mine is spending a few days with his 3-year-old granddaughter in another state. He has a new iPad and asked me to put together a list of recommended iPad eBooks and eBook apps for kids for her. I have several on my iPad my niece (20 months) and nephew (almost 4!) absolutely love to read when I’m with them (although my niece loves to push the home button; child proof button lock needed!).

Unfortunately, I haven’t had a lot of luck finding free eBooks for kids (young kids, that is). I’ve found a few here and there when there are specials, but to get the full audio + read to me/read myself part that the kids are fascinated by, I’ve discovered you have to pay for them.

If you know of any good free apps for the iPad, please leave comments for sure! I haven’t explored the B&N eReader or Kindle or Stanza or other eReader platform stores for kids books yet. I’m sure there are lots more out there, including books in the Project Gutenberg archive (many of which can be accessed through iBooks. Continue reading “iPad eBooks and eBook apps for Kids”