Top 10 Things You Need to Know to Stay Sane & Work Smarter

Maurice Coleman

About his library system: Hartford has been circulating video games for over 10 years; {more info on kids services} sneak in the learning (educational games and puzzles); American Girl Dolls (phantom collection — 113 of them; are always all out); STEM, Little Leapers take home science kits; Learn, Explore and Play kits (LEAP); Give them a robot (programming) — Finch robots; Innovation Lab; a lot of new things are being done at HCPL. Guinea pig, test a lot of projects for companies.

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”

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Playing with Collaboration Tools

virtual presentation by Paul Signorelli (assisted virtually by Maurice Coleman)

Google Hangouts, Skype

Don’t always work perfectly, but when they work, they work great!

Google Hangouts: 1) regular video hangout (what was used in this session); need a google account of some kind, initiate hangout in the moment. Downside is technical issues. 2) Hangout “on air”. Scheduled in advance, system generates invite, recorded, and auto-archived, and generated on YouTube channel.

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Making: Play & Curiosity

NEKLS Innovation Day 2015 Keynote {live-blogged; please forgive any grammar mistakes or errors}

AnnMarie Thomas, Associate Professor of Engineering, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. Former director of MakerEducation (great resource for projects).

Stop playing around and get to work. The play is what’s important in the learning process.

AnnMarie is known around the globe for Squishy circuits project. Sugar playdoh has 1,000 times the resistance of salted playdoh. It was a project for her kids. Pictures, videos, recipes. 6 continents are using squishy circuits. Used all over the globe. TED Talk

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Initial TEDxLawrence reflections

IMG_2075TEDxLawrence. What a day. My brain is far too full. Ever since I attended TEDxOKC four years ago, I’ve wanted to go back to another TEDx event, and was excited to get an invite to today’s event; great job to all the organizers and planners. The amount of work and logistics that went into today had to have been massive.

You might ask, why would I want to attend such an event, when so many of the TED and TEDx videos are online, for free, for anyone to watch?

I attend, because there is power in being in a room during a live presentation, not watching the edited version later. The energy in a TEDx event room is unlike any other event I’ve been at, and the packed schedule forces you to, at length, engage with ideas, some familiar, some unfamiliar, some you disagree with, over and over again throughout the day. It’s not a one-time inspiration, like a keynote or single session might be at a conference. These events force you to examine and connect seemingly disparate ideas, and put them together. As the Socrates quote goes, “The unexamined life is not worth living” (and I still have my college Civ For Life t-shirt). Days like today remind me that I don’t stop working long enough these days, to take the time to engage with ideas at length, write, reflect, and connect, and draw new meaning.

TEDxLawrence was much smaller than my experience at TEDxOKC, but the ideas shared were no less powerful. Ideas around creativity, that your work MATTERS, that there are many different possibility workflows (most important book Pam Grout uses? a 99c notebook), and failure.

I have a lot of notes from today, and will be slowly putting them up online throughout this next week, but I wanted to comment briefly to two talks that I found to be very much connected.

A video of Sally Kohn’s TED@NYC talk, “Let’s try emotional correctness” was shown AFTER Mick Murray’s live talk, “Faith & Science — Healing a Divide”, a very tough topic to tackle publicly, especially in Lawrence, KS.

I wish Sally’s video had been shown before Mr. Murray’s talk. Mr. Murray lost his place in his talk a few times, and there was a lot of awkward silence in the crowd, and seemingly very little support or encouragement as Mr. Murray worked to find his place again in his talk.

For a town that prides itself on being open to ideas, it was as if the crowd was almost gleeful that Mr. Murray was stumbling through his explanation — and gasp — failing, something that speaker after speaker today said was necessary for insight, for success. Mr. Murray may have thought he failed in reaching his audience, speaking to faith and science needing to dialog more — that they are not necessarily diametrically opposed.

Later, someone said she said him slip out of the event, looking very down. I felt terrible when I heard that because, for me, at least, his talk resonated and it resonated even more so, because the pauses forced me to listen more, to look closer at what he was saying, and recognize some of his points go beyond the faith and science debate.

He said, “It’s the dogmatism on one end or the other that prevents us from having a conversation about how the two can overlap.”

This statement holds true for MUCH of our society today, particularly politics. People yell past each other, stay in their comfort zones; don’t stop and listen to one another. As Kohn said later, “we don’t spend enough time talking through our disagreements. We need to find compassion and build common ground.”

Mr. Murray said that we need to “Lay down the religious dogmatism on one end and the scientific intolerance on the other….If we’re suppressing certain conversations from entering society in the name of political correctness, where does that leave us?”

For the moment, that’s where TEDxLawrence is leaving me. Not the much-needed job inspiration as my workplace enters a new era with a new director (Congrats Laura DeBaun!) or the power of partnerships to recreate and revive neighborhood schools — which definitely also happened.

TEDxLawrence challenged me to work to continue to figure out how to get people from different perspectives to stop the yelling, to listen to each other, truly listen to each other, with empathy, with compassion, and see what develops from that. And that’s an idea worth spreading.

Smells Like Teen Systems: DevOps Nirvana

Frank Wiles, @fwiles @revsys  Slides will be online later.

Smells Like Teen Systems: Advice for raising healthy happy systems and getting to DevOps nirvana

People are fearful of change. Must be small at first. Baby steps. Be agile — little a, not big A: be spiritual, not fundamentalist; mandating….just because you read it somewhere, doesn’t mean you must do it if it doesn’t work for your organization. Have ammunition: managers need data, explanations to make decisions.

Apply metrics mentality to:

  • change requests
  • trouble tickets and bugs
  • deployments
  • outages of the smallest magnitude
  • interoffice political fights
  • approved and denied requests for equipment or funds
  • hires, fires, and quits
  • $$; labor hours, etc

“We spend on average 19 hours per week requesting more information”

Guilt tripping — no other option to keep up.

“Once we put <insert system> in place, we realized we no longer needed that weekly meeting…”

DevOps: Develop Everything Visibly Automate Paranoid Services

DEV: Develop Everything Visibly: “Everything has to happen out in the open”

OPS: Operate/Automate Paranoid Services “Automate everything with ridiculous amounts of monitoring and metrics”

Everything is version-controlled. Log of why things happened.
Everything is tracked. Ticketing; Trello; Bugs; etc.

Even more visibility:

  • Level 1: Team Chat. Like Slack. Email is for outsiders.
  • Level 2: Chat Ops <– mmmmmbot!
  • Level 3: Have some fun <– Fun bots

Chat ops suggestions

  • Deployments and config changes
  • Status summaries: bot check load db3
  • Maintenance: bot start maintenance file-server-1
  • Display Alerts and Warnings
  • Server boot/shutdown messages
  • Ops logs: bot log Upgraded redis to 2.8.19
  • Resolutions: bot resolve ticket #8 Ended up just needing to restart Apache
  • Common actions: bot restart apache on production

Tools: This is how we do it

  • Python: scripting language {relatively easy to learn and readable; libraries for talking to everything} Lots of libraries: Fabric highly rec’d, shell scripting on steroids
  • SaltStack: master & and then salt (minion) code. as simple or as complicated as you want; fast communication even among hundreds of systems (zeromq +aes); extensible via python; ability to return data to the master for monitoring or metrics purposes; simple to crazy complicated orchestration between systems. Examples of uses: Targeting (/srv/salt/top.sls); Pillars (/srv/pillar/* (config differences as data such as); templating
  • Consul: service discovery and monitoring: health checks; discover services via DNS or HTTP REST apis; deadman health checks.
  • ELK: Elastic Search/Logstash/Kibano <– fast log searching for when you don’t.
  • “Logs that aren’t centralized are rarely checked and logs that aren’t searchable are never correlated” -Frank Wiles
  • Graphana: for metrics visualization; pretty graphs.
  • Don’t capture exceptions in your inbox; put in a system.; Rollbar. Rollbar also tracks deployments.
  • What to capture? As much you can store.
    • general collectd system stats
    • logins/signups/emails sent
    • failed login attempts/emails bounced
    • run time of crons and batch jobs
    • backup run times and file size(s)

Resistance. Route around it. If you don’t work with the process….

Maverick Ricardo Semler {1993}

Turn resistance back on others, sometimes so it’s so cumbersome that it burdens their way of thinking.