Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-04-08

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-04-08 #
  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-04-08 #
  • @librarianbyday you're going to do great! Cya there. I'll get there a few mins early to figure out when u need the prop 🙂 in reply to librarianbyday #
  • looking forward to @librarianbyday's presentation on transliteracy & libraries; room 207; gets started in a few mins. #kla2010 #
  • RT @jlongipl: putting your virtual reference books & magazines in catalog- what a great way to help patrons find your databases! #kla2010 #
  • @bohyunkim open to conf registrants here at #kla2010 in reply to bohyunkim #
  • @jlongipl same here. way too many good ones! #kla2010 in reply to jlongipl #
  • @bohyunkim will do, definitely! in reply to bohyunkim #
  • she's been doing it online several times, but this preso is the first live one she's done #kla2010 #
  • paperwork put in to have a transliteracy interest group in LITA #kla2010 #
  • pple are coming into libraries for our help, asking us to teach them how to use technology & gadgets #kla2010 #
  • industrial revolution will look tiny to what is happening today; we cannot keep up #kla2010 #
  • plato wrote socrates complained abt writing when writing started as competition 2 oral history; just like pple complain abt tech #kla2010 #
  • same thing happening with reading, with radio, with television #kla2010 #
  • tech is changing faster than anything we've ever seen; apple first computer in 1976 to iPad today. iPhone only around since 2007 #kla2010 #
  • ty missed that one RT @jlongipl: tech librarians and traditional librarians have to find a middle ground or our patrons will suffer #kla2010 #
  • need to go read the newsweek article about the iPad, even though i already own one…. #kla2010 #
  • apple may not have the best product but it's the easiest to use. #kla2010 ease-of-use VERY important to non-tech users. #
  • No such thing as info overload, only filter failure –Clay Shirky #kla2010 #
  • complaints abt technology are not new; been around for centuries. #kla2010 #
  • oops last tweet should have been: complaints abt information overload are not new; been around for centuries. #kla2010 #
  • Life is very much online these days; health care; taxes; banking; USPS; homework; applying for jobs #kla2010 #
  • pple not tech-literate/no access to tech have to rely upon libraries for help for this new online life #kla2010 #
  • getting online is easy BUT there are some things everyone needs to know esp abt privacy #kla2010 #
  • fastest growing grp on facebook=women over 55; privacy settings hard 2 manage 4 even younger pple; what abt others? even harder! #kla2010 #
  • password creation; pple use childrens names, pets names, birthdate year #kla2010 #
  • 6-char pw takes 5.15 mins to crack; 6-char pw w Caps, symbols, etc, takes 7-8 days #kla2010 #
  • who's teaching pple abt privacy, abt password security, abt phishing scams? Amazon canceled order phishing scam in email, recently #kla2010 #
  • reduction in price of the computers (netbooks) has helped pple get access to tech if they can get access to free wifi #kla2010 #
  • 4 elderly/chronic disease with no one nearby; away from family, etc, online communities provide a real social network support #kla2010 #
  • access is double edged sword: lots more have access to internet but lots more have huge barrier to it #kla2010 #
  • CHANGE — cannot predict at all where technology is going; just have to be ready #kla2010 #
  • critical thinking; discern accuracy of what you're reading and seeing; ethics (now that we're all content creators) #kla2010 #
  • this change is changing the way we see the world — and leaving pple in the dust #kla2010 #
  • divide bw techies & non-techies; if we don't catch nontechies up to what they need to know, they risk becoming 2nd class citizens #kla2010 #
  • transliteracy is the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media #
  • transliteracy is much more than tech: art, social/cultural interaction; music; #kla2010 #
  • transliteracy is a fluid definition; constantly changing. #kla2010 #
  • transliteracy is looking 4 correct way 2 share a piece of info in correct way for the person/group you're trying to communicate w @kla2010 #
  • Knight Foundation Commision Report; talks abt statistics & lack of access to technology that still exists #kla2010 #
  • the future is here it is just not evenly distributed –William Gibson #kla2010 #
  • barriers to this uneven distribution: cost of internet; inability to have interact at all (rural areas); lack of machine access #kla2010 #
  • digital divide=hardware & technology 65% of American households have broadband; 88% Singapore; 95% South Korea #kla2010 #
  • RT @jlongipl: who else but libraries are there to help people w this kind of learning? Libraries need to fill the gap in training #kla2010 #
  • not just the technical access causing divide: access 2 computer, access 2 video camera, a regular camera, a cellphone (reception); #kla2010 #
  • transliterate divide= ethics; critical thinking (analyze); collaboration; filtering #kla2010 #
  • schools are teaching students to memorize & regurgitate info; doesn't teach critical thinking; analyzing #kla2010 #
  • preparing students for a world that no longer exists #kla2010 #
  • the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who canot learn, unlearn, & relearn -Alvin Toffler #
  • great quote from the transliteracy presentation: #kla2010 #
  • adults who grew up in current school system (facts), scared to try this new world bc its not the world they were trained to live in #kla2010 #
  • If not libraries, then who? we can say we're about books (and DVDs) #kla2010 #
  • pple want our help at libraries with resumes, understand what kids do on Facebook, using iTouch/Kindle #kla2010 #
  • .@librarianbyday is sent patrons who need help with their devices, with their tech knowledge #kla2010 #
  • literacy is library's thing; we took up that call (reading & writing); but this is NOT enough #kla2010 #
  • this is what our patrons need & what society is asking for. we must help them. #kla2010 #
  • who is teaching the computer classes? when are the classes being available to patrons? what's being taught? only the basics? #kla2010 #
  • RT @jlongipl: everyone should be able to assist people w more than just finding books- crosstraining and switched focus required. #kla2010 #
  • What can we do? funding cuts threatened, we can do some amazing things #kla2010 #
  • so, 1) we must stop fighting amongst ourselves (Web 2.0 vs. anti-Web 2.0) #kla2010 #
  • neither group is right; must serve patrons what is right for them #kla2010 #
  • budgets being slashed bc no one sees a need for libraries #kla2010 #
  • techies must lead — don't be condescending EVER; make those new 2 this tech comfortable exploring; if condescending, they give up #kla2010 #
  • finding the solution that works for pple #kla2010 #
  • RT @evymac: People at #kla2010 thank u so much 4 tweeting! I feel like I'm learning even tho I'm not there. Sending props & goodwill yr way #
  • non-techies, get outside yr bubble and try the new stuff #kla2010 #
  • Get educated: 23 things programs; ( staff meetings (share what u learned each week, doesn't just have 2b tech) #kla2010 #
  • if you can connect emotionally with what you're trying to teach (helping find a job, for example); much more powerful than stats #kla2010 #
  • Explore; ask questions; techies go work the reference desk; what are average pple saying abt tech? #kla2010 #
  • Experiment: Skokie Public Library has a media lab (cameras, computers, video) that patrons can use #kla2010 #
  • Darien Library got rid of Dewey for the kids collection #kla2010 #
  • things are changing so fast & dedicating yourself to only one thing is not going to work #kla2010 #
  • it won't be easy. must be fearless; no one has to be at the same level #kla2010 #
  • those unwilling to adapt & learn, please leave library prof; not saying 2b mean, bt we're not serving patrons w that attitude #kla2010 #
  • No Excuses. Ruby Red Slippers; MUST be responsive to patrons and their needs. #kla2010 #
  • Even if you think something might not work in yr community, still try; you'll be surprised. #kla2010 #
  • Expectations: you have to be willing to lead & follow. You don't know everything; can always learn & be taught #kla2010 #
  • Commit. Don't just talk abt it at meetings. Pick an action plan & move forward with it! #Kla2010 #
  • For more information on transliteracy visit #kla2010 #
  • if users have psychological block to tech, how to get past that? don't put focus on the computer, focus on getting info, end result #kla2010 #
  • how to get started with technology. HMM…. I WONDER HOW THAT WORKS. from a blog post; link will be posted on transliteracy blog #kla2010 #
  • RT @jlongipl the six magic words of learning tech #kla2010 #
  • @joshuamneff I might join you in that feeling after the next two weeks of conferences. in reply to joshuamneff #
  • Hearing from the new state librarian. She says catalogers are the heart of the library (was originally a catalogers herself)!! 🙂 #kla2010 #
  • Libs r essential service; basis of democratic society; Carnegie, "let there be light"; libraries=enlightenment; the great equalizer #kla2010 #
  • Statewide resource sharing. Going from dollars to pennies in funding. Must find ways to do less w more (collaboration) #kla2010 #
  • A library is a library is a library. Patrons don't care where the material comes from. They just want it. #kla2010 #
  • Statewide dbs: learningexpress will offer 3-month trial in KS. Job re-tooling; testing books, etc. Please give it a try. #kla2010 #
  • Goals: improving lib svcs 4 all KS residents; info lit (not just kids-transliteracy); info/material any time regardless of location #kla2010 #
  • Messages, esp to legislators: strong communities have strong libraries; strong libraries strengthen communities #kla2010 #
  • Thankful 4 my iPhone. I'm sorry but current speaker @ luncheon is not funny so far. Bt Jo Budler was great!! (last tweets from her) #kla2010 #
  • Reading the chat log of this instead: drooling over the iPhone 4.0 interface release. Multitasking w pandora alone=wow! #
  • This too RT @TheNextWeb Apple iPhone OS 4: Everything you need to know in one handy list by @Jacobdfriedman @TNWapple #
  • @ajshutchpl rep told me it's current as of April 1, I thought? in reply to ajshutchpl #
  • getting ready 2 hear abt a virtual prgrm 4 virtual patrons by kate wise & rachel malay: preso link: #kla2010 #
  • full title: a virtual program for invisible patrons: creating and running a teen summer program completely online #kla2010 #
  • clearwater public library (ks) and the port library in beloit ks were involved w this program; no programs were there for teens #kla2010 #
  • the challenge: "um, hey can you put something together for teens this year…and, BTW, there's no money" #kla2010 #
  • all teenagers do when they come into the library is use the computer to get on Facebook #kla2010 #
  • see slides for many of the highlights of this session: #kla2010 #
  • VLOGBROTHERS:; #kla2010 #
  • @joshuamneff hope it goes well!! in reply to joshuamneff #
  • they made a video (hosted on youtube) to kickoff the event; every week would have a welcome video & other videos for each week #kla2010 #
  • every week had weekly contest, rec'd bks lists online activities; other activities (for those w internet access only at library) #kla2010 #
  • used art from the collaborative summer reading program graphics. they used google sites to build the program website #kla2010 #
  • tools used to communicate over long distances: skype (has screen-sharing now–cool! didn't know that!); google docs #kla2010 #
  • pay attention to copyright for graphics, esp for the summer reading program graphics rules. #kla2010 #
  • Using Google Sites again for this yrs program: #kla2010 #
  • this is so familiar: kate & rachel (at two diff libraries) worked w their mom's library 4 this program: "can we do this mom?" #kla2010 #
  • at the #koha kansas KEGger (kansas koha explorers group) #kla2010 #
  • Tired but having a great time at #kla2010 Going to relax a bit before the banquet tonite. #
  • RT @librarianbyday KLA Libraries and Transliteracy Presentation #kla2010 #
  • What?? RT @librarianbyday RT @buffyjhamilton: Archipelago: Huffington Post Censors Comments by School Librarians?: #
  • @eliseamelie who gave the presentation? #kla2010 in reply to eliseamelie #
  • Whew. Glad that's over; thankful I didn't cry too much. Thank you all for nomination & award as kla new professional of the year. #kla2010 #
  • You all in the ks library community & the general library community inspire me each day #kla2010 #

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