NEKLS Tech Day 2013: Innovative Programming Discussion

Resources from a presentation/discussion on innovative programming ideas:

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Managing Professional Information Overload (NEST Retreat)

“Struggling to keep track of all the content you need to read, watch, listen to, and share professionally to stay up-to-date, but can’t manage it all? Learn about five free, online tools, including Evernote and Diigo, that can help you manage professional information overload.”

These are the resources from a presentation I gave at the NEKLS NEST Retreat on October 6, 2011.

Brainstormed Ideas from NEST Participants

Brainstormed ideas from Lawrence Staff Day Participants [Given on November 2, 2011]
  • Coming soon

Managing Professional Information Overload (SWKLS Tech Day)

“Struggling to keep track of all the content you need to read, watch, listen to, and share professionally to stay up-to-date, but can’t manage it all? Learn about five free, online tools, including Evernote and Diigo, that can help you manage professional information overload.”

These are the resources from a presentation I gave at SWKLS Tech Day on September 16, 2011.

Brainstormed Ideas from Participants

Managing Professional Information Overload (NEKLS Workshop)

“Struggling to keep track of all the content you need to read, watch, listen to, and share professionally to stay up-to-date, but can’t manage it all? Learn about five free, online tools, including Evernote and Diigo, that can help you manage professional information overload.”

These are the resources from a presentation I gave at the NEKLS Summer School Librarian Workshop on July 14, 2011.